
Welcome to the Intellivision Revolution!

Blog posts July 2018

Laser Sharks on the Mattel Intellivision AVAILABLE

Laser Sharks BOX is now available. Also the COMPLETE version. Visit the store.

Intellivision programming contest 2018 A SPARROW GOES FLAPPING

A new game has been entered in the 2018 Intellivision programming contest. A Sparrow Goes Flapping by programmer KIWI. Give the game a test here.

Intellivision music soundtrack with electric guitars

IntyBasic Showcase Volume 2 OH MUMMY overlay

Box art of the Mattel Intellivison

Microsurgeon Lets Play by Erin

Sewer Sam for the Mattel Intellivision review

Intellivision Comeback or Fail by Gaming Podcast


Hover Bovver review

The Secret Government Waffle Project coming soon

Prepare for a tasty treat on your Intellivision!

10 blog posts