2600Connection is making a small amount of Frankenstein's Monster available in cartridge/manual only form, at a special low price for those wanting a cheaper option.
2600Connection is making a small amount of Frankenstein's Monster available in cartridge/manual only form, at a special low price for those wanting a cheaper option.
RetroGameCon 2022 is coming to NY on October 8 & 9 2022. Midnight Blue International will be hosting a booth there with Intellivision goodies. And also be selling some IntellivisionRevolution games and items. Hope to see you there!
Two new cartridge shells are now available to purchase at Intellivision Collector. View the exact details here and info where to purchase.
Head over to the IntellivisionRevolution STORE for a selection of new games for sale. Bank Panic, Keystone Kopps, Castle of Death, and older titles as well.