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Boxed and complete Spiker Super pro Volleyball up for auction on Ebay

Currently up for auction on Ebay are two boxed complete Spiker Super Pro Volleyball games. One is from Ebay seller Utahmountainrose, this auction has no Reserve or Buy It Now and had a very low starting bid. In 2010 several boxed Spiker's sold around $1,100 an $1,800 respectively . It will be interesting to see if Spiker still holds it value and commands a high price tag as in the past. Check out the auction here: Spiker Auction. Another Boxed Spiker has appeared now. It will be interesting to see if this will dilute the current demand for this very rare game. The second Auction can be found here: Second Spiker Auction. UPDATE: Both of these auctions have ended. Both sold in the $1,300.00 range. This is consistent with the previous selling prices and may be a new average price for this very rare title.

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