The recent release of Elektronite's D2K Arcade did not always look so good, it went through some designs that were not up to par. The design was to favor the mock up box of Defender Of The Crown, but it did not go so well. Here is the story straight from Elektronite's William Moeller:
I got the idea from an Elektronite box mock up of Defender of the Crown.
I loved the 'Elektronite wave' and wanted to do that, but I had no idea
how to get it into Adobe Illustrator.
I had early versions of the Elektronite logo, but it needed to be
modified. There were no high quality examples of the Elektronite logo.
So, I was told by a friend, that he had a friend who was a graphic
designer, and looking for work for his portfolio. I contacted him, and
he informed me that he already HAD a portfolio, and that he would do the
job as long as there was some money in it.....I described what I
wanted, and sent him my box template (I got from Oliver P.)........after
the first try, I was frankly horrified. I thought that I had somehow
totally been misunderstood......he went back for a 2nd try.......and
then 3rd.....check them out......It didn't get much better....after his
6th try, I fired him. I should have realized he was BSing me that he
was a graphic artist......eventually, I modified the Elektronite logo
into a high quality vector based graphic.....he couldn't do it, and I
know nothing.....Just thought you might want to see how 'great' the box could have been.
You can check out 2 early box designs here: