IntelliClub Feedback
What have Intellivision fans been saying from around the world about the IntelliClub?
Read it for yourself!
- I love my Intellivision. Best vintage game system there is.
- Thanks !!
- Looking forward to join.
- Thanks
- I love this new reality to be!
- I still have the original Intellivision that I bought while in the military for $235 in 1982.
- Thanks for keeping the Intellivision alive!
- Thank you.
- Intellivision rocks!
- Thanks for letting me join. Can't wait to see all the awesome stuff we will get!!!!
- Thanks for creating this club.
- I am looking forward to participating in an Intellivision Club again. Greetings.
- Thanks!
- Thanks for starting this club.
- Been playing INTV since 1982. Been following this website since it opened.
- Hello!
- I look forward to becoming a member.
- Please sign me up for the club.
- Looking forward to this!
- Hi.
- Sounds interesting, I am glad to join.
- Thanks for this opportunity!!!
- Hi, this looks very exciting. I would love to join, all the best.
- Count me in.
- Thanks for doing this!
- Looking to expand my always growing collection.
- Hello gamers.
- Hi, would love to join a group excited about Intellivision and preservation of one of the best consoles that was ever produced.
- This is a good idea.
- From Deadly Disk!
- Great initiative!
- So excited. Thank you for this opportunity!
- Hello there.
- I had an original Intellivision Club card from Mattel...but I lost it. This will be a welcome replacement!
- Thanks for making this club!
- Coolio!
- Greeting programs.
- Hello world.
- Thanks for always advancing our hobby!
- Cool. I like clubs.
- Thank you for creating the Intelliclub.
- Let me in!
- Thanks. Love buying the releases from here and looking forward to seeing what this becomes!
- Thank you for setting up the club. Love the Intellivision!
- Thank you for the free membership offer!
- Please sign me up for the club.
- Looks like a cool club.
- Thank you.
- Thanks for giving us the opportunity to join!!