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Blog posts : "match 5"

Elektronite offering Match 5 and Old School for Limited Time

Visit NABERHOOD, an official Elektronite Partner for ordering information on purchasing a copy of Match 5 or Old School for a limited time. Also check out the additional available Elektronite titles and other Intellivision titles. 

Elektronite has extended sales for a limited time

Sales of Elektronite games have been extended only a few more days. Elektronite will return sometime in the Spring of 2014 with new games!

Head over to CLASSIC GAME PUBLISHERS to make your selections. There was a recent checkout problem that has now been fixed, so take advantage of the extended sale period and stock up on these great Intellivision games!

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Orders for all Elektronite ending DECEMBER 15 2013 place your ORDER NOW

Elektronite, makers of some fantastic new Intellivision games, will moving overseas soon and will temporarily stop all sales of games. The deadline for ordering is December 15 2013. Sales should resume in the spring of 2014. Now is the time to place your order if you have been waiting! It appears that Minehunter and D2K Arcade are already sold out. Still available are Match 5, DK Arcade, Paddle Party, Hover Bovver (2 level demo), and the Defender of The Crown video demo cartridge. Also availab…

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CGR Reviews Match 5 for Intellivision

REVIEW - Match 5 by Elektronite


The alien ship wrecking yard. You are responsible for keeping it clean and organized. How do you do that? You must link five or more identical ships so you can blast them into nothingness with an electrical charge. Fail to keep the grid clean and its game over for you! Of course, if you are skilled, you will do a good job. Sounds like fun? Well, it should because Match 5 is one fun puzzle game on the Intellivision. The game offers two modes …

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Match 5 Still Available for Purchase

The most recent release for the Mattel Intellivision is still available for purchase through Elektronite, check out Elektronite's other great games if you have not already, such as DK Arcade, Minehunter, and D2K Arcade!







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Elektronite MATCH 5 Gameplay Video

Match 5 Demo Version Available


Check out the free Demo version of the upcoming release Match 5. It is available for download HERE.

(picture courtesy of Intymike)

First Look at DK ARCADE and MATCH 5 boxes

Upcoming Game Match 5 Menu Screen

First look: Match 5 Controller Overlay by Elektronite

Cartridge Sticker for Match 5 Revealed

Finished Match 5 Box Art

Visit Elektronite for more details.

Updated Match 5 Title Screen

Upcoming Game Match 5 Preview of Box Art


The rough artwork for upcoming Intellivision release Match 5 was revealed recently Elektronite. More details on the release will be made available as the release approaches. Below is an inverted view of the box art just for fun.




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Title Screen For Upcoming Game: Match 5

     Elektonite has revealed the title screen for the upcoming Intellivision release Match 5. More details soon.

16 blog posts