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Blog posts : "pitfall"

He Man and Pitfall LIVE replay


Intellivision Pitfall PERFECT SCORE

CGR review of Intellivision Pitfall

Retrogamer Episode 29 Intellivision playthrough of Pitfall and Pac Man

Valiant Comics has PITFALL themed Comic Book Cover for ETERNAL WARRIOR

A recent issue of Valiant's Eternal Warrior issue 2 payes homage to the Pitfall Atari 2600 cartridge. 

Lets Compare Pitfall

Realistic Pitfall Screenshot

What version would YOU rather play?

Activision PITFALL! Map

New Pitfall Game Coming To iPhone

You spent hours playing Pitfall on an Intellivision or an Atari 2600 back in the day, imprinting your impressionable brain with a fear of crocodiles that not even delicious Choco-diles snacks can’t conquer. Also you love gold. A lot.

You want more Pitfall. It’s coming… to the phone you carry in your pocket everyday.

Per MCVUK, a new Actvision studio in Great Britain has been working on a new Pitfall game targeted at smartphones. The article quotes Activision’s Martyn Brown as sa…

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Vintage PITFALL Commercial with Jack Black

11 blog posts