Blog posts : "All Site News"
Download your favorite Intellivision games in the ROMS VAULT at Intelligentvision
Get ready to play some great Intellivision games. A wide selection of downloadable games are available at the Intelligentvision website. Visit here: Link
Mancala by Collectorvision now available
Head on over to Collectorvision for your copy of Mancala. Official store: Link
A very special HELI demo
H.E.L.I. is a new game that will be released in 2020.
The game will incorporate "Christmas mode" which can be unlocked by entering a special code. Doing so will replace graphics and music to match what you see in this demo.
However, instead of waiting until the game is ready, Christmas Mode is being released ahead of time as this standalone demo. Three levels are available... the final game will have 20+.
FW Diagnostics is now available
Order your copy now of a great new testing tool, available from freewheeling Games. PURCHASE HERE.
Deep Zone for the Mattel Intellivision NOW ON SALE
Deep Zone for the Intellivision is officially for sale. The game is by Artrag and published by IntellivisionRevolution. Purchasing details are in the IntellivisionRevolution store.